Peach County’s Tiered System of Supports


A Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a “tiered system of supports that integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavioral problems. MTSS promotes systems alignment to increase efficiency and effectiveness of resources” (Adopted from National Center on Response to Intervention, 2010). 

Elements of This Definition Further Explained 

Integrating Assessment and Intervention 

A Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a data-driven prevention framework that uses Assessment (Screening and Progress Monitoring) to identify and predict students who may be at risk for poor learning outcomes or who experience social/emotional needs, and/or behavioral concerns that impact learning.


MTSS Improved Outcomes and Positive Effects 


What is the difference between MTSS and RTI? 

MTSS is a large system of tiered interventions that is widely considered an umbrella framework that includes “whole child” data, responses, and growth (achievement as well as attendance, behavior, and social emotional), essentially combining the previously separate PBIS and RTI processes. 

  • MTSS is applied to all students (not just struggling students). For example, MTSS calls for us to continue challenging high-achieving students. 

  • MTSS often includes language about collaborative, concurrent, and/or communicative support. There is an expectation that educators are effectively working and communicating with all stakeholders to provide a unified support system.  

  • Response to Intervention (RTI) is a process within the system of an MTSS framework. RTI is part of the data-based decision-making process within progress monitoring where team members review data to determine how students are responding to the interventions in place. It is a process to observe and adjust (intensify, select new, or continue) an intervention based on a student’s progress toward the trajected goal.