Don't Forget Class Picture Day! Class pictures will be taken this Thursday, April 27th. Please send in cash or check, made out to BES PTO. Payment is due Thursday in order to purchase your child's class picture!
about 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
photo day
The Book Fair is coming! May 8-12 in the Byron Elementary Media Center!
about 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Book Fair
Byron Elementary welcomed a new Assistant Principal to our family. Mrs. Jessica Cox will join our team to begin the 2023 school year. BES could not be more excited to have Mrs. Cox as TEAM EAGLE!
about 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
J Cox
J Cox
Byron Elementary is proud to announce our 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year... Mrs. Kerby Layfield! Congratulations Mrs. Layfield! BES is so lucky to have you!
about 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Kerby and Brantley
Kerby Whole Fam
BES Students came back from Spring Break and noticed a few new art pieces around the building. Our graffiti artist from the first annual BES Arts Day left us with two fantastic canvases to display. Mrs. Windham had a friend donate a 3D rendering of Black Beauty... made from the pages of the novel!
about 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Great BES
Black Beauty
From incubation to baby chicks, our Byron Eagles have proven to be great poultry providers and bird baby-sitters!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Here's your chance to see the most exciting sport in town! Kickball Saturday morning at 9:00 and 11:00 AM in the Peach County High School Gym. Go EAGLES!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Our second graders have studied about life cycles. Our PTO was generous enough to provide them with butterfly larvae so that they might have a more hands-on experience! Our Eagles followed the experience with much excitement! Thank you PTO for being so amazing!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
BF 1
BF 2
BF 3
BF 4
BF 5
BF 6
BF 7
BF 8
Our Eagles expressed their appreciation to our hard working Board of Education members with a well-deserved luncheon. As you can see, all were happy! Thank you Peach County Board of Education for always putting our children FIRST!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Our students' artwork was on full display at the Fine Arts Gala. Check out our Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Artwork 1
Artwork 2
Artwork 3
Artwork 4
Joint us tonight for the March PTO meeting. Discussions include Spring Dance, Teacher Appreciation Week, Book Fair, Field Day, and Parent Workshops! 5:30PM in the BES Cafeteria. Looking forward to seeing you there!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
PTO Meeting
BES students will travel to the Peach County Special Olympics for our Elementary school students today! The event takes place at Peach County High School 3665 Peach Parkway in Fort Valley. Come out and support! Go Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
The BES 2023 Kids Heart Challenge will be on Tuesday, March 28th. Kindergarten through Third Grade students will participate in a Jump Rope challenge to support the Kids Heart Challenge sponsored by the American Heart Association. Don’t miss out on this chance to help kids with special hearts and support our PE program!
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
BES Celebrates Pi Day! March 14 marks Pi Day, an annual celebration of the mathematical sign pi. Founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, March 14 was selected because the numerical date (3.14) represents the first three digits of pi, and it also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday.
over 1 year ago, Byron Elementary School
Pi Day