School Counseling
We will graduate college and career ready students that are able to meet the challenges of a global workforce that includes 21st century soft skills. Our goal is to produce self-sufficient, socially competent, critical thinking, and problem solving individuals.
The Mission of the Middle School Counseling Program is to foster responsible behavior in all students to enhance success in academic, career, and social/personal growth. In collaboration with administration, teachers, parents, and the community, school counselors will advocate for equal access to all programs and resources for all students so that their academic, career, and social/personal needs will be met.
We believe:
1. All students will have access to high levels of learning and academic success through programs advocated by the leadership of school counselors as they collaborate with all stakeholders.
2. All students deserve to be educated in a safe and conducive learning environment.
3. All students need and deserve a solid educational foundation, as well as a trustworthy support system within the school to grow into a productive citizen.
4. All students will be provided with a School Guidance and Counseling Program that will be consistent with expected developmental stages and differences in learning styles.
5. All students will be equipped with the skills necessary for them to achieve their career goals.
6. All students will graduate with lifelong career decision making and management skills that are necessary to succeed in postsecondary education, training, and the workplace.
The Peach County Schools Comprehensive Program will:
1. Create a holistic program to impact the students' academic, emotional, and career needs.
2. Use data to drive the development and evaluation of the program.
3. Helps build a positive school environment by encouraging collaboration among counselors, teachers, administrators, parents and the community to further student achievement.